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Child and therapist seated in in front of bookshelves and a poster featuring the word autism with a question mark.


From parenting blogs to Facebook groups, the internet abounds with anecdotal accounts of using cannabidiol (CBD) to manage the symptoms of chronic illnesses in children. Some of these accounts, such as the miraculous story of six-year-old Charlotte Figi, are supported by doctors and accompanying case studies. But does that mean that CBD is right for your child? That depends.


Cannabidiol may be the right choice for your child if they are among the estimated 10-20 million American children and adolescents living with chronic illnesses and disabilities. CBD has been shown to improve the symptoms of the following conditions that often develop during childhood.


These disorders have many names: generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and social anxiety disorder. According to the CDC, approximately 4.4 million children have some form of anxiety disorder. These disorders have many names – generalized anxiety disorder, PTSD, panic disorder, OCD, and social anxiety disorder – but they all share similar symptoms.

Preclinical (using animals) and early human studies have shown that cannabidiol can lessen these symptoms. A review of the research examining treating anxiety disorders with CBD noted “minimal sedative effect[s], and an excellent safety profile,” making it an appealing option for pediatric patients.

Cannabidiol may help treat many childhood conditions, from autism spectrum disorder to neuroblastoma.


Outbreaks of problematic behavior, anxiety, and communication problems are common symptoms of autism. Treatment with cannabidiol was shown to reduce these symptoms in a study of 60 autistic children, as well as a reduction in stress levels reported by parents. 

These results prompted one of the researchers, Dr. Ani Aran, to continue investigating the effects of CBD in autistic children. In December of 2018, he completed a study examining the results of 150 patients over three months, but the results are yet to be released.


Cannabidiol is renowned for treating seizures and severe forms of epilepsy, such as Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. While most research focuses on adults, with the previously-mentioned case of Charlotte Figi being a notable exception, parents are adamant CBD helps their children.

A survey of parents found 84 percent reported using CBD enriched cannabis reduced seizure frequency for their children. Of these parents, 11 percent observed a total cessation of seizure while using cannabidiol, and there were no reports of dangerous side effects.


While no studies have been conducted using children, there is evidence that CBD has the potential to help manage attention-deficient [hyperactive] disorder (ADD/ADHD).

A preclinical study of rats shows that CBD may reduce hyperactive symptoms, such as the inability to sit still, but did not appear to increase attention span. However, a human trial of Sativex, an oral spray that contains a 1:1 ratio of CBD to THC, showed a marked improvement in hyperactive and impulsive behaviors, as well as attention span and emotional control.


Researchers are continually identifying new and innovative uses for cannabidiol, some of which are specifically for infants. Perinatal (immediately before or after birth) brain injuries can cause a host of neurological problems that follow children throughout their lives. Animal studies have shown cannabidiol can reduce brain inflammation and cellular death caused by perinatal brain injuries, which may lessen the long-term functional impairment these injuries cause.

Another potential use of cannabidiol is in the treatment of the third most common form of childhood cancer, which is called neuroblastoma. This research is nowhere near complete, but the findings thus far have been promising, with CBD showing the ability to reduce the viability of neuroblastoma cells, leading to a decrease in tumor size and inhibited tumor growth.

Giving kids medication can be difficult, but the versatility of CBD helps make it easier for you and your child.


Giving children medication can be a bit difficult, depending on their age, and they will likely refuse to take anything that tastes unpleasant. Thankfully cannabidiol is remarkably versatile, making it much easier to find a method that works well for you and your child.

Adolescents that are willing to hold a tincture under their tongue can take it sublingually. Have your child hold it there for 30-60 seconds before swallowing to allow the CBD to absorb into the bloodstream. For younger children, mixing tincture or odorless, tasteless isolate into food and drinks might be the best option.


Unlike other medications, there are no guidelines for how much cannabidiol to use, and the right amount is different for everyone. When giving CBD to your child, you should always start with a low dose and gradually increase it. Some children may benefit from taking it all at one time, while others may need it spread out in 2 to 3 doses throughout the day.

Scientific studies show a wide range of doses, all the way from 0.5 mg/kg/day to 40 mg/kg/day, so determining the exact amount to start with can be tricky. Consider talking to a pediatrician before giving cannabidiol to your child, as they may be able to help you decide how much CBD your child needs.


Although cannabidiol extracted from hemp is federally legal, there is still a lack of regulations around the production of CBD products. The onus for buying safe products often lies with the consumer, and that can be intimidating when purchasing something you intend to give to your child. Iconic Remedies wants to make this easier by helping you get to know their company, so you can be confident you are choosing the best product for your little one.


The hemp used in all Iconic Remedies products is grown organically in Colorado, without the use of harmful chemicals and pesticides. A cold ethanol extraction process, which is among the safest and most effective methods, is used to make extracts free of any toxic solvent residue.

These extracts are added to other wholesome ingredients, like MCT oil, to create high-quality cannabidiol tinctures, isolates, and more. Each product is then tested by an independent lab to ensure they always contain what the label says, nothing more and nothing less.

CBD appears to be remarkably safe, especially compared to other medications commonly prescribed to children.


There are not a lot of studies looking specifically at the long-term effects of giving CBD to pediatric patients or even chronic use in adults. However, the idea cannabidiol is relatively harmless is not unfounded; a review of the studies on effectiveness and safety support this idea, also noting it may be safer than many prescription medications. Additionally, the World Health Organization (WHO) states that cannabidiol is generally well-tolerated, does not show potential for dependence, and appears to cause minimal side effects.


Cannabidiol is not without side effects; drowsiness, loss of appetite, fatigue, and other mild discomforts are not uncommon, but they usually resolve themselves within a few days. In comparison, Adderall, the 23rd most commonly prescribed pediatric medication, can cause moodiness, delayed growth, behavioral tics, and dependence. In 2005, the Canadian government banned the sale of Adderall XR after attributing 20 mysterious deaths to the drug.

Cannabidiol can also interact with other medications, causing them to become more or less effective. The risk of interaction is higher when giving CBD to your child in food and drinks, as the liver enzymes that metabolize CBD are also responsible for breaking down many prescription medications. If your child regularly takes medication, talk to their pediatrician to determine if the dosage needs to be adjusted.


Full spectrum cannabidiol is often thought to be more effective because the hundreds of compounds in hemp help heighten the effects of one another. While this phenomenon, known as the entourage effect, is supported by scientific evidence, full-spectrum products may be detrimental to brain health and neurological development when given to children.

The psychoactive component of hemp and marijuana, THC, may cause a neurological decline in adolescents, leading to poor memory function, lowered IQ scores, impaired reasoning, and delayed comprehension. Discontinuing the use of cannabis was unable to reverse these effects, suggesting that they are permanent. 

However, there may be some children who benefit from the small about of THC in full-spectrum products, particularly those with debilitating conditions. You may also choose to give your child broad-spectrum products, which have the THC removed, instead of full-spectrum or pure cannabidiol. You can learn more about the differences between each type of product here.

Always speak with a pediatrician or other medical professional about any concerns you have regarding the health of your child.


Whether you decide to give your child a CBD tinctureisolate, or any other infused products, ensure you always keep them out of their reach. Although an overdose of cannabidiol is not fatal, it can cause unpleasant side effects like an upset stomach.

If you are unsure whether or not cannabidiol can help your child, talk to their pediatrician. If you think that CBD is the right option for treating your child’s chronic illness or disability, Iconic Remedies products are available for purchase online and can be shipped within the United States.

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